
Unlock Your DNA Power

Human Life & the world we seem to live in is nothing but a creation of the profound quantum shifts in consciousness. The timeless fundamental alogorithms of Veda, Tantra, Ayurveda, Yoga serve as a blueprint to understand how we connect to this quantum energy and create our sensory world through experiences of pain & pleasure. By gradually understanding these complex algorithms and deciphering of Vedic Tantric & Yogic principles like Bija Mantra , Pranayama we can find similarities between Vedic sounds and Quantum Physics. We can practically vsualise use of this energy in applications of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Health, DNA energy expansions & quantum computing. We can now make sense how these Ancient timeless systems of Veda Tantra Ayurveda Yoga who have fundamental algorithms of scientific sound breath visualisation or Bija Mantra pranayama techniques can help us achieve anti ageing and longevity. With tools of neural computing we now have the highest & somewhat easiest opportunity to lead a healthy ever youthful life . Does this idea of expanding the limits of our DNA energy excite you ? theSoundBreath is all about integration of this cosmic intelligence in an easy way based on the foundations of data gathered by real-time experiments. Watch thermal demonstration video to know a bit about 'thesoundbreath' program

Do Yogis Hibernate Without Food In Icy Cold Himalayas


As a human being, you are staring at certain death. The only thing between you and cold, dark, nonexistence is an endless series of root canals and mind-numbing nights spent watching Netflix with your partner. Fortunately, Ancient Indian wisdom might be able to breathe new wind into your tired life. Already over 6 billion people have died in the history of humanity and with the increasing pollution, uncontrolled population growth and increasing scarcity of resources, you might be expecting an early death for yourself as well. A recent study claims that number of babies born with serious congenital malformations is rapidly rising. This video will open your eyes about the power of ancient knowledge systems like Ayurveda, Tantra and Vedic Astrology that contain the fundamental algorithms to create Artificial intelligence & quantum computing . These concepts will help you nurture your body, mind and soul in a fun way towards unlocking your DNA energies hto increase your health, longevity and mental single mindedness towards achieving solitary objectives without peerless demoralization. Never mind if it’s hard to understand what I have presented at one go .. Watch this video , if you can bear to absorb the reality that only we can change ... ourselves

Can We Create AI from Veda & Tantra
